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 „UnAcoperiș” is a digital instrument which facilitates the providing of housing for persons in need in the period of crisis caused by the armed conflict in Ukraine. The platform is dedicated to persons which meet the eligibility requirements set out in the paragraphs below.

1. Ժամկետներ և պայմաններ

The scope of the Platform is strictly limited to the intermediation of the relationship between natural/legal persons who can offer for free of charge accommodation (hereafter referred to as „Hosts”) and persons who request accommodation (hereafter referred to as „Guests”) in their own name or through other entities.

The platform represents a free alternative for the identification of accommodation and does not limit the access of the Guests to other available resources.

Upon the acceptance of the accommodation request through the Platform, the relationship between the Host and the Guest shall be concluded, the Host being the sole person responsible for the support provided, under the terms of this document, of the ethics rules and, in particular, under the conditions of the applicable laws.

The information regarding the accommodation presented through the Platform are strictly and exclusively limited to the information received from the Hosts.

The accommodation spaces are either accommodation units authorized by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, or private housing units, owned by natural persons, or other types of accommodation units arranged and equipped for temporary housing, such as boarding schools, student dorms etc.


The Platform is available to any person natural or legal wanting to provide help such as offering temporary accommodation for the Guests, and also to any other natural persons who are in need of housing, provided that these terms and conditions are complied with.


Methods of enrolling on the Platform available for persons who request accommodation:

The persons who request accommodation can enroll on the Platform in the following manners:

a)   In their own names (by themselves), by completing individually the form, provided that the eligibility requirements are complied with and following the validation and distribution procedure;

b)   Through the Border Police authorities, case in which the persons who request accommodation will not be subject to validation procedures, supposing that it has been fulfilled at the moment of the enrolling of the person by the Border Police authorities;

c)   Through Non-Governmental Organizations trained for the process of intermediations, validated in the Platform by Code4Romania, case in which the person who requests accommodation will not be subject to validation procedures, supposing that it has been fulfilled at the moment of the enrolling of the person by the respective organization.


Methods of enrolling on the Platform available for the ones wanting to provide free of charge accommodation: 

a)   Natural persons Hosts who can enroll in their own names or through a representative, another natural person or non-governmental organization trained in the intermediation process, validated by Code4Romania. In the case of enrolling through a representative, the Host natural person will be contacted for identity confirmation and confirmation of intention of enrolling the housing unit, no later than before the first Guest is distributed. Also, the confirmation of mandate given by the Host natural person, represents their consent for processing their data in regards to the intermediation of the relationship with the Guests. The invalidation of the mandate by the Host natural person, shall result in the immediate elimination of their data introduced in the Platform by Code4Romania. 

b)   Legal persons Hosts can enroll in their own names or through a representative, a non-governmental organization trained in the intermediation process, validated by Code4Romania. In the case of enrolling through a representative, the legal person Host will be contacted for identity confirmation and confirmation of intention of enrolling the housing unit, no later than before the first Guest is distributed.



Any person can benefit of this accommodation distribution procedure if the following conditions are met:

a)   They are domiciled, residents or live stably, with any title, in Ukraine, and left the Ukrainian territory after the beginning of the armed aggression by the Russian Federation, whether or not they have Ukrainian citizenship, as well as,

b)   Any person who cannot return to Ukraine because of the crisis caused by the armed conflict of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, even though they are domiciled, residents or live stably, with any title;

c)   They can provide proof of domicile, residence or stable living on the territory of Ukraine with an identity document or through any other method;



Conditions to be fulfilled by the Hosts natural persons:

Any natural person can offer accommodation if:

a)   They have property or use right over the respective housing space, in the latter case, the person must have the right or must take responsibility for hosting other persons;

b)   They provide an affidavit regarding the meeting of the condition described at paragraph a), as a validation method, accompanied by minimum a picture of the accommodation place. The picture of the accommodation page will not be posted or used in any scope other than the one of enrollment validation of the person and the accommodation place;

c)   The Hosts may not refuse a reservation based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status;

d)   They provide their complete identification data (family name, given name, series and number of the identity card, number of passport, issue date, availability period, domicile address) and upload the identity document on the Platform. The processing of personal data of the Hosts natural persons will be done in compliance with the Personal Data Processing Policy available on the Platform.

5.1. Conditions to be fulfilled by the Hosts legal persons:

a)   If the legal person is an accommodation units, that must be a part of the tourist reception facilities with accommodation functions, approved by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism;

b)   In the case of legal persons who own an accommodation unit, but they are not authorized to be tourist reception facilities, such as boarding schools, student dorms or any other type of residential center, those shall, depending on the case, be a part of the National Registry of Accredited Schools, or to prove the ownership of the accommodation unit by completing an affidavit as a validation method, accompanied by minimum a picture of the accommodation place. 

c)   The Hosts may not refuse a reservation based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status;

d)   They provide the following identification data:

  • Legal name;
  • Tax identification number (as registered in National Trade Register)
  • The identification data of the natural person delegated with the management of the activity on the Platform (family name, given name, date of birth, number and date of identity document). The processing of personal data of the Hosts natural persons will be done in compliance with the Personal Data Processing Policy available on the Platform.



Standards for assessing the eligibility of an accommodation unit

a)   The accommodation provides a minimum area of 4 square meters for each person, with access to electricity and heating, according to the respective season.

b)   The accommodation units provide individual, collective and family housing. Collective housing is provided by rooms depending on the gender, and family housing is done by housing together the members of a family, providing them with an appropriate level of privacy.

c)   The accommodation units must be furnished accordingly, with a bed, mattress, wardrobe, according to the number of persons to be accommodated. Basic accommodation facilities:

  • Toilet paper;
  • Soap (for hands and body);
  • One towel per guest;
  • One pillow per guest;
  • Bedsheets for each bed occupied by the guests.

d)   The accommodation units will provide permanent access to sanitary groups, composed of at least a sink, shower, toilet, and sanitary groups which are connected to running cold and hot water.

e)   The accommodation units / Hosts ensure the possibility that the Guestars can have a dedicated space for washing personal objects every week.

f)    The Host ensures the functioning of the building, both in the housing places and in the common ones, and the maintenance of the facilities (electrical, thermal, sanitary, water supply, etc.) and equipment for food preparation and storage and washing personal objects.


Information regarding the housing, provided by the Host 

The Hosts will be invited to provide both upon and after the enrollment, as necessary, the following information, but not limited to:

a)   Address, landmarks, contact data;

b)   Maximum of housing places (number of persons);

c)   Mentions regarding whether or not the place is suitable for children and infants.

d)   Accessibility characteristics of the place, or if it is the case, the lack of those, permitting the Guests with disabilities to evaluate if the place is suitable for their needs;

e)   Place characteristics which would make the accommodation of elder Guests or families with children or infants unsuitable. Facilities for disabled or difficult to move elderly.

f)    If it is the case, the local healthcare facilities placed in proximity (access to health establishments/hospitals)

g)   Disclaimer regarding the access with animals (if it is allowed or not);

h)   The hosting period available, which can be introduced through the calendar integrated in the Platform with manual selection of data.



The distribution of persons will be made manually by the Red Cross (“Crucea Roșie”) according to the particular needs of each Guest.

Guidelines concerning the distribution:

a)   The Guests cannot choose the accommodation place offered on the platform, thus the distribution shall be made according to the following criteria:

  • Keeping family members together;
  • The children and infants will be bound to remain with their mothers or legal (declared) dependant;
  • Special needs, such as disabilities, easy and fast access to healthcare facilities;

b)   The Guests can request, based on a good reason, accommodation in specific centers, cities or areas. The distribution will be made according to the available accommodation resources. 


By enrolling on the Platform and accessing accommodation, the Guests:

a) Shall not introduce in the housing unit sharp objects, weapons or prohibited substances;

b) The adults, beneficiaries of this housing distribution procedure, will supervise the minors accompanying them. Unaccompanied minors shall be exclusively accommodated in DGASPC (Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului - Directorate General for Social Assistance and Child Protection) centers or other housing units arranged by the Romanian authorities;

c) If it is the case, the Guests can have limited or forbidden access to the Hosts living areas or technical facilities or of any other kind of room within the building;

d) Under no circumstances will hand in their original identity documents to the Hosts, those being permanently in the possession of their holder. The hosts can only request copies of the identity documents;

e) In the case in which the Hosts violate the cohabitation rules briefly described below, the Guest can proceed as followed:

  • Contacts Code 4 Romania and/or another non-governmental organization affiliated with Code 4 Romania which is responsible with managing the distribution of the Guests, reporting the situation and asking for their redistribution, and where appropriate, of the other persons hosted;
  • In the case in which a person is in danger, to immediately contact the authorities by calling the emergency number 112.



By enrolling on the Platform and offering accommodation, the Hosts take responsibility for:

a)     Offering fast communication with the Guests, answering in short term;

b)     Offering to the Guests useful information for identifying the building for housing, and also any other contact information or access to the accommodation;

c)     Promising that they will not withdraw their accomodation offer until the Guests arrive at the provided housing unit;

d)     Offering to the Guest at least a one month term to find a new housing place;

e)     In the case in which the Guests violate the Cohabitation Rules briefly described below, where appropriate, violate the internal rules of the authorized accommodation unit, the Host shall proceed as followed:

  • Requests the person/persons to seek another housing place as soon as possible, giving them a term of at least one month, in the social crisis context;
  • Contacts Code 4 Romania and/or another non-governmental organization affiliated with Code 4 Romania which is responsible with managing the distribution of the Guests, reporting the situation and asking for their redistribution, and where appropriate, of the other persons hosted;
  • In the case in which a person is in danger, to immediately contact the authorities by calling the emergency number 112.

f)      Not requesting charges or any other benefits in exchange for accommodation, this action being strictly forbidden. Any pressure of the Hosts for being paid or performing activities in exchange for hosting (work or any other type of activities/jobs) will be IMMEDIATELY reported to the Department for Emergency Situations.

g)     Not taking any kind of advantage of the state of need in which the Guests are, otherwise they will suffer legal consequences;

h)     Allowing the access of the General Inspectorate for Immigration staff, the representatives of non-governmental organizations and national and international bodies responsible for asylum for informational and advice activities;



In the case of accommodation units offered by the Hosts legal persons, the cohabitation rules described below will be completed, where appropriate, by the internal rules of each unit (e.g. tourist accommodation, student dorm, or any other unit particularly arranged for hosting persons during the crisis).

Thus, by enrolling on the Platform and accessing accommodation, the Hosts and Guests shall assume respecting the following rules:

a)   Both the Hosts and the foreigners will be careful with the personal items of the persons with whom they end up sharing the housing unit, being forbidden to destroy or damage them in any way;

b)   Except by express agreements, the use of an object belonging to another person with whom they share the housing unit is forbidden;

c)   The Hosts and the Guests will mutually respect their privacy of each other and of all the other persons with whom they cohabitate; Security measures such as surveillance cameras and noise monitoring devices are permitted as long as they do not violate the confidentiality and privacy of a person. The rules concerning the devices are applied to all the cameras, recording devices, gadgets and monitoring devices. The monitoring of private spaces are prohibited (for instance: bedrooms, locker rooms, bathrooms or areas used as sleeping places)

d)   Any damage brought to the physical and/or mental integrity of a person which is accommodated or of their belonging is prohibited;

e)   Va fi respectat un orar de liniște;

f)    Except by express agreement of the Host, smoking inside any room of the building is prohibited;

g)   The use of alcohol beverages and other substances is strictly prohibited;

h)   The Hosts can return to the housing unit or can enter the rooms offered for accomodation only if there is an objective emergency and only after informing the Guest;

i)    Both the Hosts and the Guests will respect, as much as possible, the protection rules in the context of Covid-19 pandemic;

j)    Both the Hosts and the Guests will respect the rules of cleanliness (including the selective collection of garbage, where appropriate) in common living areas (bathrooms, kitchens), the obligations being mutual;

k)   The Guests shall respect the cohabitation rules of the community in which the Host lives (for instance, apartment blocks, residential assembly, common yard).

l)    In the case of legal persons, they have the legal possibility to set their own set of rules, while respecting the rights and obligations of their Guests, and the Guests will have the obligation to respect them;

A project by Commit Global